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End Date:
Case CaptionDateCase NumberJudgeCitationSummary
In re Attorney General Subpoena re Terminix Int' U2016/07/16SX-2016-MC-059Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
In re: Attorney General Subpoena re: Terminix Int'2016/08/23SX-2016-MC-059Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
In re: Atty General Subpoena re Terminix Int'l USV2016/09/16SX-2016-MC-059Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Alicia "Chucky" Hansen v. St. Croix Boad of Electi2016/09/16SX-2016-CV-553Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Olivine Anne Treasure et al v. Good Hope Country D2016/08/26SX-2016-CV-533Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Christopher M. Howell v. USVI Police Department2016/12/29SX-2016-CV-351Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
GERS v. Juan F. Luis Hospital2016/08/29SX-2016-CV-345Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
John Canegata v. Herbert Schoenbaum2016/05/27SX-2016-CV-324Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
John Canegata v. Herbert Schoenbaum2016/06/20SX-2016-CV-324Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
John Canegata et al. v. Herbert Schoenbohm et al2016/08/23SX-2016-CV-324Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
John Canegata et al v. Herbert Schoenbohm et al2016/09/19SX-2016-CV-324Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
John Canegata, et al. v. Herbert Schoenbohm, et al2016/04/12SX-2016-CV-324Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Democratic Party of the V.I. v. V.I. Board of Elec2016/06/20SX-2016-CV-308Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Holland Redfield v. John Canegata2016/04/20SX-2016-CV-254Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Ronae P. Burke v. Treasure Bay VI Corp., et al.2016/06/10SX-2016-CV-121Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Debra Christopher v. Gov Juan F Luis Hospital et a2016/12/10SX-2016-CV-097Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Nandi Sekou v. Mary Moorhead2016/10/06SX-2016-CV-071Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Inland N.W. Heath Servs v. Gov't of the V.I.2016/06/22SX-2016-CV-024Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. Francis Williams,2016/10/31SX-2016-CR-257Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. Andrew Joseph2016/01/19SX-2015-RV-006Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Banco Popular de P.R. v. Myron O. Woodley2016/11/17SX-2015-CV-600Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Elizabeth Rose Service vs Almod Diamond LTD., Jewe2016/05/12SX-2015-CV-503Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
Victor Heyliger v. Caribbean Cinemas2016/04/19SX-2015-CV-357Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Joseph Smith v. Vincent Liger2016/03/10SX-2015-CV-345Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Chelsea Turnbull v. Wendell Parris2016/03/11SX-2015-CV-343Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Ayinde S. Hiss v. Commercial Security, LLC2016/08/04SX-2015-CV-104Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. Victor H. Cannerge2016/09/26SX-2015-CR-400Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
People of the V.I. v. Victor H. Cannergeiter2016/09/29SX-2015-CR-400Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. Curtis Phipps2016/03/22SX-2015-CR-330Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. Jamal Rivera2016/03/22SX-2015-CR-308Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Veronia Stevens v. Zera Louise a/k/a Zera Eugene2016/06/13SX-2014-CV-456Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Ronald Gillette v. Mildred Trotter2016/03/21SX-2014-CV-439Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
ST. THOMAS & ST. JOHN POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIO2016/08/31SX-2014-CV-386Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Walter Gardiner, M.D. v. V.I. Hosps, et al.2016/04/10SX-2014-CV-112Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Peter Theodule v. Assoc. of St. C Condo Owners, et2016/12/16SX-2014-CV-078Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Clayton Nurse v. Joseph Parris, Jr.2016/03/05SX-2014-CV-011Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. Shaquan Prentice &2016/02/26SX-2014-CR-274Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. Eugene Roberts, et2016/10/25SX-2014-CR-136Donohue, Sr., Darryl DeanView Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. Eugene Roberts, et2016/10/25SX-2014-CR-136Donohue, Sr., Darryl DeanView Summary
Carlos Warehouse v. Emril F. Thomas2016/12/05SX-2013-SM-048Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Gov't of the VI, Dept. of Educ. v. Am. Fed of Teac2016/12/21SX-2013-CV-492Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Johnny Martinez v. Government of the VI, et al.2016/12/12SX-2013-CV-394Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Jacqueline L. Charles v. Arcos Dorados USVI2016/08/18SX-2013-CV-336Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Daryl Blyden v. Government of the Virgin Islands2016/03/05SX-2013-CV-327Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Daryl Blyden v. Gov't of the V.I. et al.2016/08/22SX-2013-CV-327Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Carl Greene v. VI WAPA2016/11/08SX-2013-CV-224Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Alester Garvey v. Estate of James Moorhead2016/01/08SX-2013-CV-210Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Yusuf Yusuf on behalf of Plessen Enterprises v. Wa2016/04/19SX-2013-CV-120Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
David Canton v. Government of the Virgin Islands2016/04/04SX-2013-CV-042Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. Adino Francis2016/04/21SX-2013-CR-267Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Francis B. Diaz et al v. Paul Ramsen et al2016/09/22SX-2012-CV-369Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Sarah Crawford v. H. Duane Bobeck2016/04/02SX-2012-CV-323Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Whitney St. Louis v. George's Christan Academy2016/08/06SX-2012-CV-210Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Joseph Rawlins v. Diane C. Rawlins2016/07/26SX-2012-CV-170Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Estate of Releatha Burnett v. Kazi Foods of the VI2016/05/24SX-2012-CV-139Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Estate of Releatha Burnett v. Kazi Foods of the VI2016/08/09SX-2012-CV-139Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Caribbean Cooling Company, Inc. v. Dionisio Lorenz2016/04/02SX-2012-CV-135Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Joseph Schrader v. Gov Juan F. Luis Hospital & Med2016/07/06SX-2012-CV-066Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Joseph Schrader, et al v. Gov JFL Hosp., et al2016/06/10SX-2012-CV-066Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Sharlene Isaac v. Rhonda Crichlow et al2016/09/29SX-2012-CV-065Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. Ambrose Daniel2016/06/15SX-2012-CR-181Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Bevron Goodwin v. Caroline Fawkes, et al.2016/12/12SX-2011-CV-435Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Francis Edward v. Genoa, Inc., et al.2016/12/07SX-2011-CV-202Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
People of the V.I. v. Ezra Thomas2016/05/19SX-2011-CR-864Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Phillip A. Tutein, Jr. v. Ford Motor Co., et al.2016/03/18SX-2010-CV-018Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Phillip A. Tutein, Jr. v. Ford Motor Co., et al.2016/12/23SX-2010-CV-018Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Phillip A. Tutein, Jr. v. Ford Motor Co., et al.2016/12/27SX-2010-CV-018Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Phillip A. Tutein, Jr. v. Ford Motor Co., et al.2016/12/28SX-2010-CV-018Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Jeffrey J. Prosser v. David M. Nissman2016/08/25SX-2009-CV-509Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Jeffrey J. Prosser v. David M. Nissman2016/09/11SX-2009-CV-509Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Carlos Corcino v. Kasey L. Nations2016/06/21SX-2009-CV-194Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Claude Gerard v. Amy Claire Dempsey et al.2016/08/22SX-2009-CV-076Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
People of the VI v. Kenneth Milligan2016/10/14SX-2009-CR-480Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Hector L. Ledesma v. Gov't of the VI2016/10/13SX-2007-CV-558Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Benjamin Prentice v. Seaborn Aviation, Inc.2016/01/09SX-2007-CV-220Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Elia McGary v. J.S. Carambola LLP2016/07/10SX-2006-CV-653Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Frank C. Pollara v. Chateau St. Croix, LLC2016/03/05SX-2006-CV-423Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
V.I. Water & Power Auth. v. V.I. Water & Power Aut2016/04/14SX-2006-CV-149Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
In re Refinery Dust Claims2016/03/05SX-2006-CV-078Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Der Weer v. Hess Oil V.I. Corp.2016/03/15SX-2005-CV-274Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Darrel Paul v. Abramson Enterprises, Inc.2016/01/06SX-2005-CV-213Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
ELVIRIER MELCHIOR VS. UNIVERSITY OF THE VIRGIN ISL2016/04/27SX-2000-CV-214Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Delia Anderson v. American Federation of Teachers2016/09/08SX-1998-CV-359Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
In re: Cases Removed to District Court of the V.I.2016/09/21SX-1998-CV-109Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
SONIA J. FRANCIS VS. THE CARMEN V. RUAN LIVING TRU2016/05/10SX-1982-CV-536Gumbs-Carty, ReneeView Summary
St. Croix Fed. of Teachers Local 1826 v. Dept. of2016/12/21SX-1982-CV-083Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
TRUDY FENSTER VS. REGINA DECHABERT, ET. AL2016/07/13SX-16-CV-343Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
TRUDY FENSTER VS. REGINA DECHABERT, ET. AL2016/08/08SX-16-CV-343Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
TRUDY FENSTER VS. REGINA DECHABERT, ET. AL2016/07/09SX-16-CV-343Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Erma David v. People of the Virgin Islands2016/02/22SX-15-RV-007Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Everett Henry v. HOVENSA, LLC2016/05/19SX-15-CV-568Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
GARY A. MOLLOY VS. GOVERNMENT OF THE VIRGIN ISLAND2016/06/23SX-15-CV-301Francois, Denise M.View Summary
Enterprise Assets, LLC v. Pinnacle Development & I2016/03/29SX-15-CV-060Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Hatim Y. Yusuf v. Ocean Properties, Ltd2016/07/03SX-15-CV-008Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. Steven Mayers2016/01/19SX-13-LFL-013Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Federal Nat'l Mortgage Ass'n v. Allan Teel et al2016/10/14SX-13-CV-219Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Robert Grisar v. Am. Fed. of Teachers, et al.2016/05/12SX-12-CV-200Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
LEE J. ROHN VS. MICHAEL "REPO" SPRINGER ET AL.2016/10/25SX-10-CV-342Francois, Denise M.View Summary
Juan Castillo et al. v. St. Croix Basic Services,2016/10/01SX-09-CV-299Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Lenore Der Weer v. Hess Oil Virgin Islands Corp.2016/04/25SX-05-CV-274Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS. VS. CECIL ROUSE2016/01/22ST-CR-F281Christian, Adam G.View Summary
KiWi Construction, LLC vs Paul Pano and Lanny Robe2016/11/29ST-6-CV-0000338Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
Leborne Powell v. Carolyn Wyllis2016/12/10ST-2016-RV-001Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
VI Taxi Association v. West Indian Co. Ltd. et al2016/09/28ST-2016-CV-551Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
VI Taxi Association v. West Indian Co. Ltd et al.2016/09/30ST-2016-CV-551Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
V.I. Taxi Association v. West Indian Co. Ltd., et2016/10/14ST-2016-CV-551Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
VI Taxi Association v. West Indian Co. Ltd, et al.2016/10/18ST-2016-CV-551Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
V.I. Taxi Association v. West Indian Co. Ltd, et a2016/10/31ST-2016-CV-551Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
VI Taxi Association v. West Indian Co. Ltd. et al2016/10/18ST-2016-CV-155Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
VI Taxi Association v. West Indian Co. Ltd. et al2016/10/18ST-2016-CV-155Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
John Gimenez v. Irma de Leon2016/04/11ST-2015-RV-004Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
Harthman Leasing III, LLLP v. FirstBank P.R.2016/05/23ST-2015-CV-533Carr, III, Henry V.View Summary
Lorraine Associates, LLC v. Gov't of the V.I., et2016/12/13ST-2015-CV-438Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Christine Clauzel Popo v. World Fresh Market2016/08/08ST-2015-CV-305Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Guardian General Insurance, Ltd v. Caribbean Food2016/10/24ST-2015-CV-253Francois, Denise M.View Summary
Gerard H. Hills et al v. Whitecap Investment Corp2016/08/02ST-2012-CV-395Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Stanley D. Smith v. Denise A. Henley2016/12/15ST-1985-CV-1367Hinds Roach, DeniseView Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. SHAWN FREEMAN2016/08/24ST-17-CR-268Gumbs-Carty, ReneeView Summary
CABA WOODRUP VS. GOVERNMENT OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS2016/08/26ST-16-MC-47Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
JAMAL JUSTIN FAHIE VS. GOVERNMENT OF THE VIRGIN IS2016/11/03ST-16-MC-2Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Akeel Codrington vs Government of the Virgin Islan2016/11/18ST-16-MC-0000058Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA VS. LORENDON L. BOYNES, JR.,2016/10/18ST-16-CV-29Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
IVY MOSES ET AL VS. CAROLINE FAWKES, SUPERVISOR OF2016/06/24ST-16-CV-285Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
ENID HENDRICKS VS. DENZIL CLYNE2016/10/27ST-16-CV-147Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
LAVERNE R. ISAAC VS. GUARDIAN INSURANCE COMPANY AN2016/12/10ST-16-CV-120Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
JOHN P. YOB, ERICA L. YOB, ETHAN EILON, AND LINDSE2016/06/30ST-16-CV-114Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
Janelle K. Sarauw vs Caroline Fawkes, In Her Offic2016/12/29ST-16-CV-0000734Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
Resqwest-Axiom Services, LTD vs Cruz Bay Waterspor2016/11/30ST-16-CV-0000384Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. CHRISTAL FLYOD2016/04/19ST-16-CR-86Francois, Denise M.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. MALAKAI GEORGE2016/06/09ST-16-CR-85Francois, Denise M.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. MALAKAI GEORGE2016/09/27ST-16-CR-85Francois, Denise M.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. KADEEM JAMAL HODG2016/08/24ST-16-CR-30Francois, Denise M.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. MARIANELA DE ROSA2016/09/30ST-16-CR-220Francois, Denise M.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. JAH'VAR LOOBY2016/08/22ST-16-CR-141Francois, Denise M.View Summary
CALVIN GUMBS VS. TINA M. KOOPMANS, KELLY HARRIGAN,2016/09/06ST-15-SM-522Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
LISA MOSELY VS. REYNALDO PENN2016/07/09ST-15-RV-3Gumbs-Carty, ReneeView Summary
ORLANDO REMAK VS. VIRGIN ISLANDS WATER AND POWER A2016/07/18ST-15-CV-662Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
ANTHONIA A. PERVICAL, DELICIA THOMAS, KARLENE EDDY2016/09/27ST-15-CV-656Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
DEISY CLARKE VS. PAN AMERICAN INVESTMENTS, INC. AN2016/05/07ST-15-CV-645Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
DERRICK CALLWOOD VS. GOVERNMENT OF THE VIRGIN ISLA2016/06/29ST-15-CV-623Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
ETHLYN JOSEPH VS. PRICESMART LLC2016/02/29ST-15-CV-62Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
HAUGHTON-TAVERNIER VS. SBP INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, LL2016/06/27ST-15-CV-588Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
LAVERNE MILLS-WILLIAMS VS. GOVERNOR KENNETH E. MAP2016/08/30ST-15-CV-574Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
NOSTY JEAN-BAPTISTE, CARR FORBES VS. VIRGIN ISLAND2016/05/24ST-15-CV-539Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Development Partners International, L.L.C. vs. Gov2016/04/04ST-15-CV-526Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
JUAN CRUZ VS. VIRGIN ISLANDS WATER AND POWER AUTHO2016/10/11ST-15-CV-491Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
ALISON FORD VS. VIRGIN ISLANDS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCA2016/06/27ST-15-CV-489Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
LORRAINE ASSOCIATES, L.L.C., VS. GOVERNEMENT OF TH2016/03/18ST-15-CV-438Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
LOUIS CAMPOS VS. ABC CONCEPTS, INC.,2016/03/21ST-15-CV-427Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
MSI BUILDING SUPPLIES, INC., VS. ATLANTIC SEAFODD2016/08/22ST-15-CV-411Francois, Denise M.View Summary
ADRIAN CENNI AND MAX ARC, LLC VS. ESTATE CHOCOLATE2016/07/18ST-15-CV-383Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
MICHAEL L. SHEESLEY VS. DR. HORACE GRIFFITH, VI OR2016/09/14ST-15-CV-364Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
KYRA D. HANSEN VS. BENI IGUANA'S INC., TODD REINHA2016/04/11ST-15-CV-289Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
VERMALIE CHARLES VS. CBI ACQUISITIONS, LLC.2016/09/05ST-15-CV-279Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Denzil Ivan Stevens. vs. Governement of the Virgin2016/05/20ST-15-CV-277Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
THE WEST INDIAN COMPANY, LTD., VS. NEW IMAGE FOUND2016/07/22ST-15-CV-25Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
GUARDIAN INSURANCE COMPANY VS. JOHN JULIAN GUMBS2016/08/22ST-15-CV-195Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
BLONDELL WILLIAMS VS. V.I. GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS AN2016/01/04ST-15-CV-159Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
Gweneth Connor-Pele vs Louangel Ravalier-Matthew2016/07/26ST-15-CV-0000658Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Gloria Ann Haughton-Tavernier vs SBP International2016/11/29ST-15-CV-0000588Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
Royal Caribbean Cruise, LTD vs Boniface C. Abba, M2016/12/16ST-15-CV-0000119Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Myron Libien vs MIFR (Virgin Islands), INC2016/11/28ST-15-CV--0000107Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. KIMBERLY CLAYTON2016/04/19ST-15-CR-F403Christian, Adam G.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. HALVOR E. HART, I2016/10/31ST-15-CR-429Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. TASHIMO SCATLIFFE2016/07/13ST-15-CR-389Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
THE PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. TYRONE THOMAS2016/04/05ST-15-CR-368Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. John P. de Jongh2016/01/26ST-15-CR-309Donohue, Sr., Darryl DeanView Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. MICHAEL B. GEORGE2016/05/08ST-15-CR-234Francois, Denise M.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. JEFFREY M. CUMMIN2016/09/05ST-15-CR-210Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. KARL CEASAR2016/04/03ST-15-CR-186Francois, Denise M.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. KARL R. CAESAR2016/08/25ST-15-CR-186Francois, Denise M.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands vs Ariel J. Martin Be2016/01/11ST-15-CR-0000183Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
MELVIN HUGGINS VS. ANTONIO RABSATT2016/07/09ST-14-SM-55Gumbs-Carty, ReneeView Summary
WEST INDIES TRANSPORT COMPANY VS. MARK SCOTT2016/08/24ST-14-SM-226Gumbs-Carty, ReneeView Summary
GEORGE E. HENDRICKSON VS. LEONA HENDRICKSON2016/08/30ST-14-DI-067Watlington, Debra S.View Summary
TUTU PARK, LIMITED, AND P.I.D., INC. VS. HARTHMAN2016/09/27ST-14-CV-456Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
TUTU PARK, LIMITED, AND P.I.D., INC. VS. HARTHMAN2016/09/27ST-14-CV-456Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
ASHRAF BAZZAR VS. NASER SALEM D/B/A FASHION SOURCE2016/06/13ST-14-CV-370Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
ASHRAF BAZZAR VS. NASER SALEM D/B/A FASHION SOURCE2016/09/11ST-14-CV-370Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
MICHAEL BRYAN VS. JAMES BRYAN, KEN BRYAN AND FIRST2016/04/13ST-14-CV-316Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
MICHAEL BRYAN VS. JAMES BRYAN, KEN BRYAN AND FIRST2016/07/22ST-14-CV-316Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
SHAMARAH HALLIDAY VS. CRUISE SHIP EXCURSIONS, INC.2016/07/29ST-14-CV-146Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
SHAMARAH HALLIDAY VS. CRUISE SHIP EXCURSIONS, INC.2016/04/11ST-14-CV-146Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
Gourmet Galley Crown Bay, Inc., and Zakaria Suid v2016/11/30ST-14-CV-0000513Francois, Denise M.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands vs Rajesh T. Maharaj2016/12/16ST-14-CR-0000002Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
NANYAMKA TAHIRA THOMPSON VS. GLEASON EZEKIEL THOMP2016/02/19ST-13-DI-107Watlington, Debra S.View Summary
BIG BEAR CONSTRUCTION, INC., VS. PHILIP HOLFORD AN2016/01/15ST-13-CV-670Francois, Denise M.View Summary
JOHN J. GUMBS VS. BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS2016/04/02ST-13-CV-62Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
MAURICE CHABUZ VS. PUTNAM LUMBER & EXPORT COMPANY2016/12/04ST-13-CV-596Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
MAURICE CHABUZ VS. PUTNAM LUMBER & EXPORT COMPANY2016/11/07ST-13-CV-596Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
AUBREY E. BRIDGEWATER VS. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIO2016/06/21ST-13-CV-534Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
THOMAS KLOTZBACH VS. VIRGIN ISLANDS WATER AND POWE2016/03/29ST-13-CV-445Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
CARRIE MAE T. JOHNSON VS. ALENDRO CARABALLO2016/07/09ST-13-CV-431Gumbs-Carty, ReneeView Summary
GREGORY J. WILLIAMS VS. BUREAU OF CORRECTION, DIRE2016/12/08ST-13-CV-334Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
HASSAN ABDALLAH VS. HASAN ABDEL-RAHMAN, MALEA KIBL2016/08/15ST-13-CV-227Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
HASSAN ABDALLAH VS. HASAN ABDEL-RAHMAN, MALEA KIBL2016/08/19ST-13-CV-227Francois, Denise M.View Summary
HASSAN ABDALLAH VS. HASAN ABDEL-RAHMAN, MALEA KIBL2016/08/29ST-13-CV-227Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
HASSAN ABDALLAH VS. HASAN ABDEL-RAHMAN, MALEA KIBL2016/09/23ST-13-CV-227Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
HASSAN ABDALLAH VS. HASAN ABDEL-RAHMAN, MALEA KIBL2016/11/10ST-13-CV-227Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
HEAVY MATERIALS, LLC, VS. DANIEL'S CONSTRUCTION CO2016/07/27ST-13-CV-222Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
THE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION, INC., VS. DAROFF DES2016/11/04ST-13-CV-124Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
KIWI CONSTRUCTION VS. PAUL PONO, LANNY ROBERTS PHI2016/01/15ST-13-CV-11Francois, Denise M.View Summary
KIWI CONSTRUCTION, LLC, VS. PAUL PONO, LANNY ROBER2016/08/30ST-13-CV-11Francois, Denise M.View Summary
UNITED CORPORATION VS. WAHEED HAMED2016/10/24ST-13-CV-101Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. JEFF J. DAVIS2016/04/18ST-13-CR-F82Christian, Adam G.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. NAHEEM WALTERS2016/12/10ST-13-CR-120Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
CYNTHIA STALKER VS. SBP ST. THOMAS, LLC D/B/A ROYA2016/08/24ST-12-SM-404Gumbs-Carty, ReneeView Summary
DAVID AUBAIN VS. KAZI FOODS OF THE V.I., INC. D/B/2016/08/23ST-12-CV-461Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
GERALD H. HILLS AND MARTHA L. HILLS VS. WHITECAP I2016/06/05ST-12-CV-395Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
LESLIE A. MEYERS VS. ALFRED R. GEORGE, JR.2016/06/27ST-12-CV-394Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
LESLIE A. MEYERS VS. ALFRED R. GEORGE, JR.2016/10/25ST-12-CV-394Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
TARIQ DAVIS / DIANNE BYNOE/ ROOSEVELT DAVIS VS. AM2016/01/20ST-12-CV-388Christian, Adam G.View Summary
TANEKO O'NEAL VS. PSMT, LLC. ET AL.2016/01/09ST-12-CV-388Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
TANEKO O'NEAL VS. PSMT, LLC. ET AL.2016/09/16ST-12-CV-388Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
FIRSTBANK PUERTO RICO VS. EDMOND WEBSTER, ET. AL2016/01/07ST-12-CV-239Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. TYRONE THOMAS2016/10/14ST-12-CR-510Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands vs Ralph E. Titre Jr.2016/11/18ST-12-CR-0000448Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
FELIX WILLIE VS. NANDI SEKOU2016/09/19ST-11-SM-110Gumbs-Carty, ReneeView Summary
MARVIN L. FREUND VS. ALMANDO L. LIBURD2016/07/07ST-11-CV-730Francois, Denise M.View Summary
JEVON GERALD VS. RJ REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY2016/09/23ST-10-CV-692Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Jevon Gerad v. RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co.2016/04/25ST-10-CV-631Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Elizabeth Bynoe v. CULUSVI, Inc.2016/01/04ST-10-CV-542Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
TARIQ DAVIS, DIANNE BYNOE, ROOSEVELT DAVIS VS. AME2016/05/18ST-09-CV-70Christian, Adam G.View Summary
EMMETT HANSEN, II VS. GOVERNOR JUAN F. LUIS HOSPIA2016/11/07ST-08-CV-577Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA VS. ANN HERMAN, VICTOR SYD2016/05/13ST-08-CV-426Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. RODNEY E. MILLER,2016/01/29ST-08-CR-427Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
MICHILLE A. TURNBULL VS. UNIVERSITY OF THE VIRGIN2016/02/03ST-07-CV-239Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
JAMES ALLEYNE VS. RAFAEL OJEDA, MARIA CONCEPCION,2016/08/16ST-05-CV-648Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
In Re: Petition for Expungement of Criminal Recor2016/02/12Dunston, Michael C.View Summary