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Case CaptionDateCase NumberJudgeCitationSummary
ANDRE DORSEY VS. VITELCOM, INC.,2017/12/22ST-91-CV-513Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. OSWIN RICHARDS2017/12/18ST-17-CR-149Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
Lorena Chiverton v. World Fresh Market, LLC2017/03/28ST-08-CV-0000342Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
THE PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. JARMAINE AYAL2017/06/02ST-10-CR-164Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
ADRIAN CENNI AND MAX ARC, LLC VS. ESTATE CHOCOLATE2017/10/05ST-10-CV-272Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
JEVON GERALD VS. RJ REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY2017/10/07ST-10-CV-631Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
CRAIG W. BARSHINGER VS. LEGISLATURE OF THE VIRGIN2017/05/26ST-11-CV-24Francois, Denise M.View Summary
FATIMA CAMILO AND DAVID CAMILO VS. AKEEM FRETT2017/07/17ST-11-CV-7Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
FIRST BANK PUERTO RICO VS. EDMOND WEBSTER2017/07/18ST-12-CV-239Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
LESLIE A. MEYERS VS. ALFRED R. GEORGE, JR.2017/04/26ST-12-CV-394Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
ANNA CLARKE VS. JUDITY A. FRAZEE, ET AL.2017/09/04ST-12-CV-520Francois, Denise M.View Summary
DENISE FRAZER VS. POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, L2017/07/06ST-13-CV-168Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
DENISE FRAZER VS. POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, L2017/05/25ST-13-CV-168Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
DR. OSWALDENE WALKER, D.D.S.; AND MARK WALKER, ESQ2017/11/07ST-13-CV-489Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
GOV'T OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS, DEPT. OF EDUCATION VS2017/01/08ST-13-CV-499Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. ENRIQUE SALDANA2017/02/14ST-14-CR-187Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
BEVIN DORSETT AND CARONIQUE CROMWELL VS. JOHATHAN2017/06/02ST-14-CV-233Francois, Denise M.View Summary
PETER PHILIP VS. TOYOTA MOTOR NORTH AMERICA, INC.,2017/10/11ST-14-CV-543Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Rudolph Slack v. Donna Slack2017/10/02ST-14-DI-003Hinds Roach, DeniseView Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. DEVON JOHNMARIE &2017/01/26ST-15-CR-383 &384Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. EDWARD P. MCKENZI2017/01/30ST-15-CR-F418Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
HUBERT RAIMER VS. LAWRENCE RAIMER, JUNE THOMAS, MA2017/05/05ST-15-CV-105Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
LINDA RAYMOND VS. DR. KIDANE ASSEFA D/B/A THE EYE2017/08/11ST-15-CV-185Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
ANAMARIJA URH VS. GERARD C. BUFFO VS. WOLFGANG BOH2017/03/02ST-15-CV-315Francois, Denise M.View Summary
RAPHY VICTOR-PEREZ VS. DIAMONDROCK FRENCHMAN'S OWN2017/08/31ST-15-CV-387Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
LORRAINE ASSOCIATES, LLC VS. GOVERNMENT OF THE VIR2017/03/10ST-15-CV-438Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
KENVAL THOMAS VS. MARK DRAGEL, VIWAPA, AND BOLT NA2017/01/11ST-15-CV-573Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
ANTHONY W. ROMANO, SR., VS. V.I. GOVERNMENT HOSPIT2017/06/12ST-15-CV-630Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
ANTHONIA A. PERVICAL, DELICIA THOMAS, KARLENE EDDY2017/08/23ST-15-CV-656Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
ORLANDO REMAK VS. VIRGIN ISLANDS WATER AND POWER A2017/07/21ST-15-CV-662Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
ORLANDO REMAK VS. VIRGIN ISLANDS WATER AND POWER A2017/10/01ST-15-CV-662Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. IHSAN ASSAM2017/11/14ST-16-CR-232Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. SHAQUIELLE CORREA2017/08/03ST-16-CR-294Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. RUPERT G. WALTERS2017/04/12ST-16-CR-31Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. JACQUES CAJUSTE2017/02/15ST-16-CR-328Francois, Denise M.View Summary
JOHN P. YOB, ERICA L. YOB, EITHAN EILON, AND LINSE2017/06/02ST-16-CV-114Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
DOUGLAS HARBISON & HARBISON AUTO SALES, LLC, VS. A2017/05/24ST-16-CV-146Francois, Denise M.View Summary
ISHMAEL TODMAN, JR. VS. GARY A. HICKS/DEFT, INC. D2017/08/11ST-16-CV-158Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
ISHMAEL TODAMN, JR., AND ANALI HENNEMAN TODMAN VS.2017/02/02ST-16-CV-158Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC., VS. WAYNE L.2017/11/30ST-16-CV-209Gumbs-Carty, ReneeView Summary
DIAMOND M. CARTER VS. UNIVERSITY OF THE VIRGIN ISL2017/07/31ST-16-CV-217Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
DIAMOND M. CARTER VS. UNIVERSITY OF THE VIRGIN ISL2017/10/01ST-16-CV-217Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
CECIL OSBORNE VS. PSMT, LLC, D/B/A PRICESMART2017/01/19ST-16-CV-24Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
MERCHANTS MARKET, LLC, VS. JUAN R. CRISTOBAL AND G2017/03/24ST-16-CV-340Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
HILLARY WOODSON VS. SIRI AKAL2017/08/17ST-16-CV-399Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
DR. TYLUR ARVIDSON & DR. TYGUE ARVIDSON VS. DR. WI2017/02/02ST-16-CV-410Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
DR. TYLUR ARVIDSON & DR. TYGUE ARVIDSON VS. DR. WI2017/11/01ST-16-CV-410Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
ESMERALDA TAYLOR VS. KMART CORPORATION2017/02/14ST-16-CV-481Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
ALICIA RICHARDSON VS. GOV'T OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS,2017/07/18ST-16-CV-483Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
LORENZO FLEMMING VS. CULUSVI, INC. D/B/A/ COST U L2017/07/03ST-16-CV-501Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
EVADINE DAVIS VS. BP CONSULTING VI. LLC.2017/03/15ST-16-CV-656Francois, Denise M.View Summary
WAYNE R. PHILO VS. ARMSTRONG SERVICE, INC.2017/05/22ST-16-CV-685Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
RAYMOND FINN VS. PETER ADAMS AND ADAMS RIB, LLC2017/11/28ST-16-CV-752Francois, Denise M.View Summary
ARIEL BRATHWAITE VS. H.D.V.I HOLDING CO., INC., D/2017/05/24ST-16-CV-764Francois, Denise M.View Summary
GOV'T OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. FELIX SANTANA AUTO2017/08/05ST-16-RV-10Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. CLAUDE LESPERANCE2017/11/28ST-17-CR-319Francois, Denise M.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. YOCELIN FRANCO RO2017/06/29ST-17-CR-36Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
JOE SMITH VS. LAW OFFICES OF KARIN A. BENTZ, P.C.,2017/07/20ST-17-CV-116Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Donald Seymour vs. New Destiny, LLC, and Susan For2017/09/18ST-17-CV-347Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Wayne Weatherill v. Walgreens of the U.S. Virgin I2017/12/14ST-17-CV-40Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
YEARWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC. D/B/A VS. ANTILLES GAS2017/05/12ST-17-CV-77Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
YEARWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC. D/B/A VS. ANTILLES GAS2017/06/21ST-17-CV-77Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
OREL DESTIN VS. GOV'T OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS, DIREC2017/09/08ST-17-MC-17Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Shorn T. Joseph v. Legislature of the VI, et al.2017/12/04ST-1982-CV-088Gumbs-Carty, ReneeView Summary
James Meyers v. James Derr, et al.2017/08/29ST-1997-CV-878Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Guardian Insurance Company v. Estate of Valerie Kn2017/07/04ST-2008-CV-189Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Estate of England v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.2017/08/29ST-2010-CV-631Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Jevon Gerald, et al. v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.,2017/05/07ST-2010-CV-63IDunston, Michael C.View Summary
Warren M. Williams v. Elaine Edwards, et al.2017/12/07ST-2012-CV-175Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Kiwi Construction, LLC v. Paul Pono, et al.2017/01/09ST-2013-CV-011Francois, Denise M.View Summary
Nanyamka T. Thompson v. Gleason E. Thompson, Sr.2017/06/11ST-2013-DI-107Watlington, Debra S.View Summary
Ramon Reyes v. Kazi Foods of the Virgin Islands2017/04/20ST-2014-CV-148Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
GOURMET GALLERY CROWN BAY, INC., AND ZAKARIA SUID2017/02/06ST-2014-CV-513Francois, Denise M.View Summary
GOURMET GALLERY CROWN BAY, INC., AND ZAKARIA SUID2017/05/19ST-2014-CV-513Francois, Denise M.View Summary
Steadroy Williams v. V.I. Water & Power Auth., et2017/05/25ST-2014-DI-088Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Crown Bay Marina, L.P. v. Gourmet Gallery Crown Ba2017/02/08ST-2015-RV-005Francois, Denise M.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. Wahilli James2017/02/03ST-2016-CR-280Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. Treson Stephens2017/06/12ST-2016-CR-377Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
Gov't of the V.I. v. Takata Corp., et al.2017/06/19ST-2016-CV-286Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
V.I. Board of Education v. Gov't of the V.I., et a2017/03/17ST-2016-CV-616Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Gregory Hodge v. Melvin Walters2017/06/30ST-2016-RV-008Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
Catmac, Inc. v. Balthazar Mgmt V.I., LLC, et al.2017/06/29ST-2017-CV-035Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
THE PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. CECIL ROUSE2017/05/16SX-08-CR-403Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
SHAMARAH HALLIDAY VS. CRUISE SHIP EXCURSIONS, INC.2017/06/02SX-11-CV-364Mackay, Kathleen Y.View Summary
Henry Schuster v. Renee Schuster2017/01/18SX-13-CV-114Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Natifah Williams v. Government of the Virgin Islan2017/07/11SX-14-CV-387Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VS. JIMMY DAVIS2017/03/24SX-15-CR-65Francois, Denise M.View Summary
ADVANCED SURGICAL PARTNERS AND ALBERT TITUS, M.D.,2017/05/04SX-15-CV-351Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Glen Edwards v. Rick Mullgrav, et al.2017/08/23SX-15-CV489Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
TRUDY FENSTER VS. REGINA DECHABERT, ET. AL2017/04/10SX-16-CV-343Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. Carlos Melendez2017/03/22SX-16-RV-003Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Arthur Paul v. Raritan Supply Co., et al.2017/07/13SX-1997-CV-329Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Joseph Daniel, et al. v. Borinquen Insulation Co.,2017/07/28SX-1998-CV-192Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Mary Beth Hawkins, et al. v. Susan Greiner, et al.2017/04/27SX-2005-CV-493Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Francis Antoine v. Hess Oil V.I. Corp., et al.2017/10/03SX-2005-CV-508Hinds Roach, DeniseView Summary
Estate of Willie v. Amerada Hess Corp., et al.2017/02/28SX-2006-CV-202Hinds Roach, DeniseView Summary
Cyril Mitchell v. General Engineering Corporation,2017/02/23SX-2007-CV-504Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Luis A. Ortiz v. People of the Virgin Islands2017/09/05SX-2008-CR-398Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Gorgonius Jones v. Lockheed Martin Corporation, et2017/11/22SX-2008-CV-057Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Carmelo Ayala v. Lockheed Martin Corporation, et a2017/03/03SX-2008-CV-296Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Denise Daniel v. Turner St. Croix Maint., Inc.2017/03/17SX-2008-CV-595Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Clement Xavier v. Treasure Bay V.I. Corporation2017/02/23SX-2009-CV-450Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
In re: Alumina Dust Claims2017/10/01SX-2009-MC-031Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. Carmen O'Neill2017/02/15SX-2010-CR-040Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Phillip A. Tutein, Jr. v. Ford Motor Co., et al.2017/01/13SX-2010-CV-018Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Yuxiang Peng, et al. v. Dr. Wilbert Williams2017/07/24SX-2010-CV-056Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Bejamin Prentice v. Sunny Isle Developers, LLC, et2017/05/24SX-2010-CV-122Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Lorena Chiverton v. World Fresh Market, LLC2017/10/03SX-2010-CV-575Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Robert J. Chaput v. Donald C. Scafidi, et al.2017/06/14SX-2010-SM-123Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Francis Edwards v. Genoa, Inc., et al.2017/08/29SX-2011-CV-202Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Francis Edward v. Genoa, Inc., et al.2017/01/23SX-2011-CV-202Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Francis Edward v. Genoa, Inc., et al.2017/01/23SX-2011-CV-202Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Francis Edward v. Genoa, Inc., et al.2017/01/23SX-2011-CV-202Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Francis Edward v. Genoa, Inc., et al.2017/01/20SX-2011-CV-202Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Francis Edward v. Genoa, Inc., et al.2017/10/01SX-2011-CV-202Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Francis Edward v. Genoa, Inc., et al.2017/05/01SX-2011-CV-202Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
James T. Bland, Trustee v. Gov't of the V.I., et a2017/04/27SX-2011-CV-350Meade, JomoView Summary
Albert Lindqvist v. Theodore Cohen2017/11/28SX-2012-CV-295Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Jay T. Watson v. Gov't of the VI, et al2017/07/03SX-2012-CV-301Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Waleed Hamed v. Fathi Yusuf, et al.2017/07/21SX-2012-CV-370Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Waleed Hamed v. Fathi Yusuf, et al.2017/07/21SX-2012-CV-370Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Keith Austin v. Tip Top Construction2017/05/31SX-2013-CV-175Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
UIW-SIU v. Government of the VI2017/02/27SX-2013-CV-205Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Banco Popular de P.R. v. Josephat John, et al.2017/06/20SX-2013-CV-214Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Peter Kokinda v. William Thelumsa2017/08/18SX-2013-CV-254Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Banco Popular de P.R. v. Dionisio B. Lorenzo, et a2017/06/27SX-2013-CV-268Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Matthew Augustin, et al. v. Hess Oil V.I. Corp., e2017/08/23SX-2013-CV-427Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Andrew Wilson v. Hess Oil V.I. Corp., et al.2017/08/23SX-2013-CV-480Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
People of the V.I. v. Juan Robles, Jr.2017/11/09SX-2014-CR-024Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
People of the V.I. v. Lawrence T. Bethel, et al.2017/03/08SX-2014-CR-246Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Patrick Tyson v. Donald Samuel, et al.2017/05/24SX-2014-CV-105Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Adelbert M. Bryan v. Caroline Fawkes, et al2017/04/20SX-2014-CV-144Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Adelbert M. Bryan v. Caroline Fawkes, et al2017/04/20SX-2014-cv-148Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Natifah Williams v. Gov't of the VI, et al.2017/08/11SX-2014-CV-387Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Richard A. Jensen v. Ellie S. Jensen2017/12/15SX-2014-CV-400Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Banco Popular de P.R. v. Nestor A. Paraliticci, et2017/08/15SX-2014-CV-416Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Salvador Alvarez v. Estate of Everlena Keel, et al2017/07/14SX-2014-CV-436Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Ronald Gillette v. Calvin Herbert, et al.2017/02/16SX-2014-CV-439Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Kelvin B. Dennie v. People of the Virgin Islands2017/05/17SX-2014-MV-672Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Siwell, Inc. v. Cureene Smith2017/07/24SX-2015-CV-020Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Caratwo Land, LLC v. Refill Plus, LLC, et al.2017/02/03SX-2015-CV-053Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Barry Whyte v. Steve Bockino, et al.2017/01/26SX-2015-CV-083Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
In re: Asbestos, Catalyst, & Silica Toxic Dust Exp2017/08/23SX-2015-CV-096Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
In re: Refinery Hydrocarbon Release Litigation2017/10/07SX-2015-CV-100Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Sandi Groff v. Cane Bay Partners VI, LLLP2017/06/20SX-2015-CV-127Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
James Laudat v. Rick Mulgrave, et al.2017/03/22SX-2015-CV-155Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
St. Croix Federation of Teachers, et al. v. Gov't2017/01/08SX-2015-CV-178Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
J'ada Thomas v. Lauritz Blackwood, et al.2017/03/21SX-2015-CV-179Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Bank of N.S. v. Judy Simmons, et al.2017/07/26SX-2015-CV-232Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Nadine Barnes v. GCI Operations, LLC2017/01/20SX-2015-CV-264Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Mireya Robles v. Olivia Joseph, et al.2017/08/12SX-2015-CV-348Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Mireya Robles v. Olivia Joseph, et al.2017/08/23SX-2015-CV-348Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Albert A. Edwards v. Hess Oil Virgin Islands Corpo2017/06/29SX-2015-CV-382Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Albert A. Edwards v. Hess Oil Virgin Islands Corpo2017/06/28SX-2015-CV-382Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Ingrid Gilbert v. Franklin Gilbert2017/11/09SX-2015-CV-508Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Randy Burke v. Calvin Herbert2017/11/14SX-2015-CV-518Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Clark Hunt v. Bradley Downs, et al.2017/02/14SX-2015-CV-585Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
In re: Red Dust Claims2017/07/07SX-2015-CV-620Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Jon Alan Barber v. R&R Realty, Inc., et al.2017/01/23SX-2015-SM-155Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. John Noel2017/12/13SX-2016-CR-046Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Banco Popular de Puerto Rico v. Jean Charles, et a2017/07/14SX-2016-CV-014Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Marsha Jagrup v. Juan F. Luis Hospital & Med. Cent2017/06/20SX-2016-CV-068Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
Uyen Le v. Treasure Bay VI Corporation2017/02/27SX-2016-CV-316Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Trudy Fenster v. Regina deChabert, et al.2017/09/27SX-2016-CV-343Dunston, Michael C.View Summary
Mary Weekes v. Kalani K. John2017/08/02SX-2016-CV-348Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
FirstBank Puerto Rico v. Michael M. Schlea2017/06/27SX-2016-CV-439Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Karen A. Solis, et al. v. Karen C. Phaire, et al.2017/06/28SX-2016-CV-443Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Banco Popular de P.R. v. Jewel A. David2017/03/04SX-2016-CV-562Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Christopher L. Gayanich v. Brittley D. Gayanich2017/06/23SX-2016-DI-103Hinds Roach, DeniseView Summary
Chris George v. People of the V.I.2017/05/04SX-2016-RV-002Molloy, Robert A.View Summary
People of the Virgin Islands v. Chris George2017/03/22SX-2016-RV-002Willocks, Harold W L.View Summary
Nandi Sekou, et al. v. Mary Moorhead, et al.2017/05/12SX-2017-CV-001Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Nandi Sekou, et al. v. Mary Moorhead, et al.2017/12/09SX-2017-CV-001Brady, Douglas A.View Summary
Jill Beedle v. Matthew L. Kligus2017/11/21SX-2017-CV-169Meade, JomoView Summary