Jurors who will actually serve on a jury that hears a case are selected by a process called voir dire. Voir dire is the questioning of prospective jurors by the Court and/or the lawyers to determine a juror's suitability to hear and decide a specific case. It is a cooperative process among the Court, lawyers, and jurors. A conscientious citizen should not wish to serve on a case if his decision might be influenced unfairly by an acquaintance with the litigants, or by strong feelings about the issues.

At the same time, a juror is not automatically biased if he has experience related to the subject matter of the case. If you are unsure whether you should mention something you think may be a problem, do not be shy about speaking up. The Court must have the opportunity to assist you in resolving any doubts as to whether you can serve fairly.

When the Court concludes that you should not serve on a case for reason of possible bias, you are dismissed for cause. Do not feel that your ability has been questioned if you are dismissed. It is simply felt that you are not the right juror for the particular case. In addition, all parties, through their lawyers, are entitled to make peremptory strikes of a certain number of jurors. These are challenges based on nothing more than the lawyer's guess that someone else will view his client's claims more favorably. You should not be bothered if the lawyer strikes you from the panel. He or she is simply trying to give his or her client the best possible chance for a favorable decision.

Often, the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands will conduct more than one voir dire during a day. If you are not chosen for one case, you may be asked to remain available for voir dire for another case. Jurors who have not been involved in a voir dire will be first in line for the next one.

In some cases, you will not hear the trial on the same day you are selected for a case. Instead, you will be given a time and date to return when the case will be heard, and a telephone number to call to learn whether the trial will be held as scheduled.

If you are not selected at all, you will be dismissed and instructed either to return at a specified time or to call the Court for further instructions. You are still subject to the terms of the summons, and you must continue to cooperate with the Court.